Makalah human papillomavirus pdf

Human papillomavirus 16 and human papillomavirus 18 are considered as highrisk in view of their regular presence in malignant tissue and their in vitro transforming. Human papillomavirus hpv human papillomavirus, or hpv, is the most common sexually transmitted infection sti in the united states. However, in some cases, an hpv infection persists and results in either warts or precancerous lesions. Pa for papillomavirus, po for polyomavirus, and va for vacuolating simian vacuolating. Human papillomavirus atau hpv adalah virus yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi di permukaan kulit, serta berpotensi menyebabkan kanker serviks. Human papilloma virus hpv human papillomavirus hpv is a common sexually transmitted infection sti. Kutil kemaluan dapat terjadi di vagina, vulva, serviks, dubur atau penis dan. There are over 100 varieties of hpv, more than 40 of which are passed through sexual. The human papillomavirus hpv is a virus that can infect the skin or mucous membranes like the genitals, or inside the mouth of humans. Infeksi virus ini ditandai dengan tumbuhnya kutil pada kulit di berbagai area tubuh, seperti lengan, tungkai, mulut, serta area kelamin. Human papillomavirus atau hpv adalah virus yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi di permukaan kulit, serta berpotensi menyebabkan kanker.

Sekalipun telah ada program skrining deteksi dini infeksi hpv maupun kanker servis serta adanya dua vaksin yang telah berlisensi, sekarang ini belum. A human papillomavirus hpv is a virus that infects the epidermis and mucous membranes. Heni wiji utami a01759 hening muji raharjo a01760 heri siswanto a01761 progam studi diii keperawatan sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan muhammadiyah gombong 2014 ii kata pengantar puji syukur kepada allah swt karena atas rahmat dan hidayahnya. Human papillomavirus hpv adalah virus deoxyribonucleic acid dna untaian ganda yang menular secara seksual dan menginfeksi. Current concepts on human papillomavirus infections in. Human papillomavirus hpv, any of a subgroup of viruses belonging to the family papovaviridae that infect humans, causing warts papillomas and other benign tumours as well as cancers of the genital tract, especially of the uterine cervix in women. According to the cdc, there are more than 40 types of hpv, but most are cleared from the body by the immune system without causing any health problems. Hpv 16 dan hpv 18 adalah virus hpv yang perlu diwaspadai karena dapat menyebabkan kanker serviks. Makalah ini kami buat dengan tujuan agar kita mampu menghindari kanker serviks atau setidaknya mencegah kanker serviks dan mengetahui gejala gejala dan akibat kanker serviks, serta. The history of papillomaviruses, knowledge of their causative role in benign and malignant disease, and their structural characteristics have led to the development of vaccines to prevent cervical and anogenital cancers. Current evidence is strong enough to conclude that human papillomavirus hpv can be transmitted both sexually and nonsexually. Hpv dapat menyebabkan kanker leher rahim karena dapat membuat pertumbuhan sel menjadi tidak normal dengan cara virus masuk ke dalam inti sel di leher rahim dan mengubah bentuk sel sehingga sel menjadi mudah rapuh dan pertumbuhannya menjadi tidak beraturan.

The relationship of cervical cancer and sexual behavior was suspected for more than 100 years and was established by epidemiologic studies in the 1960s. There are more than 100 varieties of hpv, but most emphasis is given to the 40 varieties that affect the genitals, mouth, or throat, that are passed through sexual contact. Human papilloma virus dan kanker serviks uin alauddin makassar. Kehadiran atau eksistensi suatu populasi hewan pada suatu tempat, demikian juga dengan penyebaran hewan itu di permukaan bumi selalu berkaitan dengan apa yang di sebut dengan habitat dan relung ekologi. Rubella, dan human papillomavirus hpv diajukan sebagai salah satu tugas mata. Human papillomavirus hpv is a viral infection thats passed between people through skintoskin contact. Most sexually active men and women being exposed to the virus at some point during their lifetime. Demikianlah, makalah ini semoga bermanfaat bagi yang membacanya. Human papillomavirus tipe 16 hpv16 merupakan salah satu tipe hpv yang termasuk golongan high risk yang bisa menyebabkan kanker. Hpv is a common virus more than half of sexually active men and women are infected with hpv at some time. Human papillomavirus infection hpv infection is an infection caused by the human papillomavirus hpv. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk identifikasi tipe hpv 16, 18, 31, 33, 45 dan 52 pada pasien. Core concepts human papillomavirus infection pathogen. Penularan virus ini terjadi melalui kontak kulit dengan kulit, ketika terlibat aktivitas seksual dengan seseorang yang sudah terjangkit virus ini.

Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices acip fact sheets from the centers for disease control and prevention. Human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, and adenoassociated virus infections in pregnant and nonpregnant women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Human papillomavirus 175 11 human papillomavirus hpv is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the united states. Kondilomata akuminata ka merupakan penyakit infeksi menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh human papillomavirus hpv dengan gejala. Human papillomavirus and related diseases from bench to. Infeksi hpv bisa terjadi pada siapa saja tanpa memandang usia, bahkan remaja atau anakanak yang belum aktif secara seksual pun bisa terpapar virus ini. Human papillomavirus hpv journal unair universitas airlangga. It is passed on through genital contact such as vaginal and anal.

Several months to years may elapse before the abnormal growth of cells worldwide there are 490,000 cases of. Papillomavirus, any of a subgroup of viruses belonging to the family papillomaviridae that infect birds and mammals, causing warts papillomas and other benign tumours, as well as malignant cancers of the genital tract and the uterine cervix in humans. Dalam hal ini kita akan membahas mengenai relung pada hewan. The human papilloma virus hpv is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the united states, with 14 million new cases each year. The debate on hpv infections in children still continues but it is more. Isbn 9789533078601, pdf isbn 9789535167297, published 20120120. Human papillomavirus has been a cause of infection in humans for thousands of years. Human papillomavirus morfologi papilloma virus gambar bentuk human papilloma virus papovavirus merupakan virus kecil diameter 4555 nm yang mempunyai genom beruntai ganda yang sirkuler diliputi oleh kapsid kapsid ini berperan pada tempat infeksi pada sel yang tidak berpembungkus menunjukkan bentuk simetri. Human papillomavirus hpv adalah suatu grup virus yang terdiri dari tipe. Webmd explains the risks of infection and the strains of hpv that can lead to cancer. Segala puji hanya layak untuk allah tuhan seru sekalian alam atas segala berkat, rahmat, taufik, serta hidayahnya yang tiada terkira besarnya, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah dengan judul.

Pdf identifikasi type human papillomavirus hpv pada. Dalam hal ini tak luput kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada dosen bidang studi asuhan kebidanan komunitas yang telah membimbing kami, sehingga dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan sebaik mungkin, dan kami juga mohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan dalam makalah ini. Ciriciri human papilloma virus adapun ciriciri human papilloma virus adalah. Immunology and vaccinepreventable diseases pink book. Saat ini telah diindentifikasikan sekitar 100 tipe hpv. The causal role of human papillomavirus hpv infections in cervical cancer development has been well established in the last 2 decades.

Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, banyak nikmat yang allah berikan, tetapi sedikit sekali yang kita ingat. Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah manajemen kesehatan dari ir. They are mainly associated with various neoplasms in mammals. Estimated to be the most common sexually transmitted infection in the united states. Makalah human papilloma virus kelompok dua disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah aplikasi mikrobiologi parasitologi disusun oleh. About 90% of hpv infections cause no symptoms and resolve spontaneously within two years. Kanker serviks adalah kanker leher rahimkanker mulut rahim yang di sebabkan oleh virus human papiloma virus hpv, meskipun beberapa saja dari ratusan. Human papillomavirus hpv merupakan faktor resiko yang paling signifikan penyebab dari kanker serviks. Human papillomavirus is a small, nonenveloped, doublestranded dna virus that is approximately 55 nm in diameter and a member of the papillomaviridae family.

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk identifikasi tipe hpv 16, 18, 31, 33, 45. Human papillomavirus 2 and human papillomavirus 10 are also found in lesions of cutaneous sites. Ini disebabkan oleh virus kutil kemaluan human papilloma virus atau. Resiko tinggi infeksi hpv genome human papillomavirus hpv genome yang paling. Human papillomavirus hpv is a viral infection that is passed between people through skintoskin contact. This number does not include incidence of cervical precancers, for which surveillance data are not collected nationally. Dimana kanker ini disebabkan oleh virus hpv human papillomavirus. There are over 100 different virus types in this group. Infection by hpv the human papillomavirus is common. More than 40 hpv genotypes infect the genital tract. Human papillomavirus simple english wikipedia, the free.

Pengembangan antivirus human papilloma virus berbasis. Seperti semua papillomaviruses, hpv membentuk infeksi yang produktif hanya dalam keratinosit pada kulit atau selaput lendir. Human papillomavirus hpv, pengertian, penyebab, pencegahan virus papiloma manusia atau human papillomavirus hpv adalah virus dna dari keluarga papillomavirus yang mampu menginfeksi manusia. Human papillomavirus infection poland pdf ppt case. Papillomavirus research aims to publish top quality articles, describing innovative research advances in the field of human tumour virology, including epstein barr virus ebv, human t cell leukemia virus htlv, polyoma virus pyv, merkel cell polyomavirus mcpyv, kaposis sarcoma herpes virus kshv and papillomaviruses pv, as well as other related animal tumour virus models. March 23, 2007 morbidity and mortality weekly report, vol. Pdf human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, and adeno.

The natural history of human papillomavirus infections of. More than 170 types of hpv have been classified and more than 40 types of hpv can infect the genital tract of humans. Kemungkinan terinfeksi dari suami pekerjaan supir truk. Human papillomavirus hpv is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections stis. It is usually spread through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The natural history of human papillomavirus infections of the mucosal epithelia louise t. It is estimated that, because the virus is easily transmitted by skintoskin genital contact, 80% of sexuallyactive college students will become infected with it before graduation. Myths and misconceptions about hpv american social health association. Steinberg2 1department of biochemistry and molecular genetics, the university of alabama at birmingham, birmingham, al, usa. Human papillomavirus and related diseases from bench to bedside a clinical perspective.

Some types of hpv may cause symptoms like genital warts. Genital human papillomavirus hpv infection is estimated to be the most common sexually transmitted infection in the united states. Still, some types of hpv affect the mouth and throat. About 80 percent of women will get at least one type of hpv at some point in their lifetime. Obat virus human papilloma atau hpv penyakit kutil kelamin atau kandiloma yaitu infeksi menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh virus human. Nononcogenic, or lowrisk hpv types, such as hpv types 6 and 11, can cause benign or lowgrade cervical cell changes, genital warts, and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Recent papillomavirus research articles recently published articles from papillomavirus research. The family of papovaviridae is no longer used in recent taxonomy, but is split into the papillomaviridae and the polyomaviridae the name derives from three abbreviations. Hpv human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted virus. Human papillomavirus an overview sciencedirect topics. Makalah kondiloma akuminata pdf kutil kelamin yaitu salah satu penyakit seksual menular yang paling umum, yang disebabkan oleh human papillomavirus hpv. Habitat habitat dapat di defenisikan sebagai lingkungan tempat hidup. At any time there are approximately 79 million people in the u. Human papilloma virus hpv berasal dari sekelompok virus yang memengaruhi kulit dan membran kulit pelapis tubuh, seperti.

However, abnormal lesions and precancers related to hpv are extremely common, with varied rates depending on data collection methods and geopgrahic area. A papovavirus is any member of the former virus family of papovaviridae. Current concepts on human papillomavirus infections in children. Human papillomavirus hpv, pengertian, penyebab, pencegahan. Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Hpv 6 dan hpv 11 adalah virus hpv yang menyebabkan kutil kelamin. Human papillomavirus hpv adalah virus yang paling sering dijumpai pada penyakit menular seksual dan diduga berperan dalam proses terjadinya kanker.

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